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I believe within each of us is a powerful energy we can use to expand our lives. In moving beyond our limiting beliefs and the places where we get stuck, we open to our potential. 

Learning to manage our thoughts and emotions consciously, from a place of alignment with our values, we build psychological flexibility and anti-fragile confidence. Knowing who we are and how we want to show up to our lives becomes the difference between getting knocked down by life’s inevitable plot twists and “growing with them”.  Living from a place of alignment that is consistent and congruent with our values becomes our POWER. It is just a matter of time before our external world begins reflecting these internal changes.

My goal is to support you in making choices and decisions that are in alignment with the bigger vision you have for your life, expanding your belief about what is possible and helping you commit to that vision.


 Tel: 207-408-8295

“What I am looking for is not out there. It is in me."         
~ Helen Keller 

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